How to Extend the HVAC Lifespan: Tips and Guide 2024

Extend Your HVAC Lifespan: Top Tips and Guide 2024

Discover how to extend your HVAC lifespan with expert tips. Learn about maintenance, replacement, and protection plans for optimal performance.

Is your HVAC system reaching its final days, or is it just the time to consider the upgrade? Heating and cooling systems are one of the largest expenses in home improvement, and thus, it is vital to maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of the investment. 

HVAC systems can last between 15 to 25 years, although this depends on some factors such as the type and make of the system. No matter how often and well they are maintained and serviced, years down the line, even the most efficient boilers, furnaces, heat pumps, and air conditioners will call for changes.

If you’re trying to decide whether to replace or repair your air conditioner, this blog is for you. This guide will give you practical advice and tactics to keep your HVAC system in top shape for years to come.

Average HVAC Lifespan

The type of HVAC system determines how long it will be in service. The typical lifespans of common HVAC equipment are summarized below:

HVAC Equipment Typical Lifespan Notes
Furnaces 20 to 30 years Gas furnaces can last up to 30 years with the right care. When the heat exchanger begins to leak, they are frequently changed. Systems with inadequate maintenance may only survive ten years. Oil furnaces usually have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years because of fuel inefficiency-related maintenance problems.
Boilers 20 to 35 Years Typically, boilers are replaced when the heat exchanger leaks and have a slightly longer lifespan than furnaces.
Air Conditioners 15 to 20 Years A/C units typically have a 15–20 year lifespan, while some may only last 10 years. Due to salt exposure, life expectancy is shortened in coastal locations to 7–12 years. When the compressor malfunctions or the condenser corrodes and leaks, they are usually changed.
Heat Pumps 10 to 20 years Heat pumps are dual-purpose devices that have an average lifespan of 15 years but can last up to 20 years. Their lifespan is reduced to 7–12 years in coastal environments.
Ductless Mini Splits 10 to 30 years Ductless mini-splits provide the same dual-purpose capabilities as heat pumps. Except for coastal places where their longevity is shortened, they normally live 10 to 30 years.

Best 5 Tips to Extend HVAC Lifespan

Any residential or commercial building must have an HVAC system to maintain interior air quality and provide comfort. An HVAC system requires a large initial investment, therefore extending its lifespan is crucial to getting the most return on that money. Below we have mentioned the best tips to prolong the life of your HVAC system:

Frequent Maintenance of HVAC Systems

Maintaining the proper functioning of your HVAC system requires routine maintenance. It’s important to schedule your annual appointment with a professional for thorough inspections and tune-ups every year. 

While late summer or early fall assures your furnace is ready for winter, spring is the best time to service your air conditioner. 

These tune-ups include a variety of tasks like inspections, lubricating, cleaning condensers, and checking refrigerant levels, among others. It’s all about being proactive—boosting productivity and resolving issues before they become overwhelming.

Change Air Filters Often

Air filters are really important parts of any HVAC system. It’s important to monitor the disposable ones; they should be changed out every three months to six months, depending on usage. 

The ability of your HVAC system to force air through a blocked filter can be compromised, perhaps causing issues later on. Checking them periodically is necessary, and it would be good to replace the filters to reduce the strain on your system, keep everything running smoothly, and preserve cleaner indoor air.

Upgrade Your Home Comfort with a Smart Thermostat

Using a smart thermostat is not just a convenience; it is significant to your HVAC system. These high-tech thermostats learn your schedule and preferences for house temperature and adjust settings accordingly. Furthermore, you can control them from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet.

Smart thermostats help save energy by controlling the temperature in accordance with your specific preferences and habits. This guarantees that your HVAC system lasts longer without breaking down from overuse in addition to lowering your electricity costs. With regard to comfort, expenses, and environmental considerations, this choice makes perfect sense.

Boost Your Comfort and Savings with Upgraded Insulation

Modern insulation is an effective way to reduce the load on your HVAC system, so it’s not just about remaining warm. Inadequate insulation forces your HVAC system to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, which increases energy costs and accelerates system wear.

Your home will have a warm winter coat and a cool summer cap when you add insulation to areas like the attic, walls, and basement. In the colder months, it retains heat inside while in the hotter months, it lets cool air in. 

In addition to saving you money and extending the life of your HVAC system, better insulation increases system efficiency. 

Clean Your Ducts

It’s not enough to simply change your filters to maintain clean air in your home—you also need to take care of any hidden pollutants in your ducts. Dust, debris, and even mold can accumulate there over time, obstructing airflow and requiring your HVAC system to operate longer hours.

It is wise to schedule expert duct cleaning every five years for this reason. It prolongs the life of your HVAC system, increases airflow, and gets rid of all the dirt. Your system will run more efficiently and you may save money on energy costs if your ducts are cleaned and provide you with fresher indoor air. You are investing in both the well-being of yourself and your house!

Address HVAC Issues Promptly

HVAC systems can occasionally experience problems even with routine maintenance. To prevent these issues from becoming more problematic in the future, you must address them as soon as possible.

It’s time to call in a professional HVAC specialist if you hear weird noises, observe inconsistent temperatures in your home, or notice an increase in your energy expenditures. Prior to problems getting worse, they can determine what’s going on and repair it.

It prolongs the life of your system and ensures smooth, dependable operation when problems are resolved quickly.

Give Your HVAC System a Rest

To extend the lifespan of your HVAC system, it’s important to manage it properly. Instead of constantly running the fan, set it to “auto” mode. This allows the system to work only when needed and gives the components a break. 

Additionally, if the weather allows, use windows, air vents, and fans to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, reducing the need for AC. It has advantages such as a longer lifespan for your HVAC system, reduced energy costs, and less stress on your equipment.

Monitor and Maintain Outdoor Unit

The performance of your HVAC system is greatly influenced by the outside condenser unit. Check the unit frequently for materials that can restrict airflow and reduce efficiency, such as leaves, dirt, or grass clippings. To guarantee enough ventilation, keep the space surrounding the unit free and prune any plants. 

In addition, routinely hose down the condenser coils to clear any dirt accumulation that may be impeding heat transfer and putting stress on the compressor. You may increase the performance of the system and extend its lifespan by keeping the outdoor unit clean and well-maintained.

Still Confused Between HVAC Lifespan Maintenance or HVAC Replacement?

When deciding whether to replace or repair your HVAC system, there are a few things you should consider.

Cost of Repairs

Think about the amount of money you have spent on HVAC system repairs throughout owning it. Multiply the age of your system by the amount you typically spend each year to maintain it in good operating order. 

If the amount rises above $5,000, it may be time to consider purchasing a new system. High repair costs are frequently an indication that your current equipment is getting close to the end of its useful life and could continue to cause you to incur large repair bills. 

Age of Your HVAC Lifespan System

The age of your HVAC system is an important consideration in assessing whether replacement is necessary. Systems over 10 years old, especially if they require frequent maintenance, tend to be less efficient and may pose safety risks. 

Most HVAC systems last 10 to 20 years, depending on maintenance and usage. Older systems are likely to be less energy efficient and technologically advanced than modern models.

Get Professional Assistance For Your HVAC Maintenance

Hiring a professional to handle your HVAC maintenance will guarantee that your heating and cooling systems receive the best possible care and operate at their best. 

HVAC professionals are skilled in doing thorough inspections, cleaning important parts such as coils and ducts, and making the required adjustments to improve performance. Their skilled eye can identify possible problems early on, saving expensive repairs and guaranteeing the reliability and safety of your system.

You can minimize the chance of unexpected HVAC problems and ensure that your system will continue to produce cozy indoor settings all year round by trusting specialists with your maintenance.

Consider enrolling in Best Home Services‘ HVAC Maintenance Protection Plan if you live in Pennsylvania or the surrounding areas for full maintenance and repair coverage and peace of mind.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

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